Σκοπός της οργάνωσης "Seacleaners-int" είναι η προστασία όλων των ζώων στο φυσικό τους θαλάσσιο βιότοπο.
Ο Αμβρακικός Κόλπος (400 τ. χλμ.) είναι υπό προστασία για την ομορφιά του και την άγρια ζωή που διαθέτει.
Thank you for vizit the Seacleaners-int website.
For pictures about dolphins and waste klick here
If you don't like the view of waste around natural habitats of all wildlife.
You got to make the first step, before somebody follows.
Make people aware how you feel about (plastic) waste and the consequences for animals.
Still better is:
Go out to natural habitats and remove waste within your possibility.
Try to find volunteers, who like to help cleaning.
Seacleaners-int works voluntary for the wellness and health of all animals only.
To créate a safe and clean environment for new generations animals like Dolphins,
Seaturtles, fish and births.
Our maingoal is to take out mainly plastic waste by hand for all sealife.
Whish includes sandy coastlines, rocky coastlines, wetlands, lagoons,
smal remote islands, smal fishing ports.
Also we clean:
All visible floating waste we find with the boat.
Seabodem waste down till 3 a 4 meter deep.
Seacleaners-int awakening project
Seacleaners-int is also a awakening project just to make people aware from the impact of plastic waste.
For young childeren we made a special awakening project with pictures and storys about this problem.
Childeren need to realize the impact about this problem for their own future.
This program can be used at schools or with a stand by events.
Environmental Cleaning Project - ECP
System of work:
All waste will be removed by hand only, because less disturbtion for the close by wildlife.
For local beaches of coastlines we use:
Handcloves, a knife and bags to remove all visible waste.
To remove less visible waste we use extra a shofel or spade so you can careful dig a little.
We use a quad to transport the garbage to a big garbagecontainer close by.
For difficult places offshore we use:
A very good and safe boat incl equipment:
Infloatable Rib yam 500 - YAMAHA outboardengine 50 HP + 2.5 HP emergencyengine.
With onboard 2 places to sleap for remote cleaning projects.
A 5 meter long cano for low water projects like wetlands, lagoons or rocky places.
Also we use a very smal infloatableboat for dumping waste we find on de seabodem.
When ready we transport the waste we find to a big container close by the place we are.
Or take it to the campsite and transport it with the quad to a big container.
Where and when we work at Greece:
Seacleaners-int is a smal voluntary foundation without gouverment money.
We can only work at Greece in summertime whit the holydays for mainly 3 or 4 weeks a year.
Western Greece between Korfoe and Zàkynthos.
Amvrakikòs Golf ( Preveza - Lefkada )
Grotere kaart weergeven
Where and when we work at Hollandia:
We have a smal amount dedicated volunteers.
2010 we visit 4 events with our special childerenprogram.
We coóperate with WNF - WWF - World Wildlife Fund and other dutch foundations.
Running the Seacleaners-int web-site and contacts.
Mainly summertime we spend the weekends to clean parts of dutch waterlakes with the boat.
Mainlocation: ( Basis )
Close to Gouda ( South Netherland - Netherlands )
Grotere kaart weergeven
Everywhere we can when we can!
Mainly Province Friesland ( North Netherland - Netherlands )
Grotere kaart weergeven